In Disney's new animated feature film Wish, Asha and Star are on a journey to save the wishes of Rosas. Release your deepest wishes into the universe when you make a wish with your own personal wishing star necklace. Simply make a wish and press the button and watch Star magically light up. Wear your magical necklace wherever you go so your wishes will always be close.
- WARNING - CHOKING HAZARD-contains small parts, not suitable for children under 3 years
- Suggested for ages 4 years and above
- Star is inspired by Disney's Wish
- Make a wish, press the button and star lights up
- The wishing star necklace makes a great birthday gift, holiday gift, or anytime gift for Disney adventurers who believe in wishes
- Assembly not required
- Batteries needed
- Batteries required, includes 3 LR44 button cell batteries
- Plastic
- Spot Clean
- Imported